
Legal Business forms
Business Plans and Services for Start-ups and Small Businesses
Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting
Financial Planning and Cash Flow
Crisis Management
Tax, Real State and Legal Services for individuals

1. Why is it necessary?
Planning and budgets are necessary for an adequate management analysis. This way the company controls the progress of the plans and releases good information for the senior management's decision making.
2. What Santucci Consulting does for you:
In the diagnosis and planning phase:
- Organizational, economic, and financial analysis. SWOT analysis.
- Short and long-term plans. Cost analysis.
- Financial planning and P&L budgets.
- Financial structure evaluation. Joint Ventures, Angel Investors. Governmental financial programs.
In the implementation phase:
- Proactive support on the traced plans, through state-of-the-art management techniques. Resources management.
In the control phase:
- Balanced Scoreboard: evaluation of business ratios and performance measurements.
In the learning phase:
- Detection and identification of issues and challenges. Assessment of possible action courses towards the improvement and development of the business.
3. What do we want to achieve
The adoption and continuation of all the planning phases by the company on its own, taking this loop as a continuing learning process.